A brutal series of murders in Desolation, the capital city of the planet Yaedara along the Frontier of the Terran Republic, sets Terran Legion Lieutenant Dan Quinn on the trail of a serial killer whose savagery is as chilling as the alien hieroglyphics.
Terran Legion Lieutenant Dan Quinn, struggling with the knowledge that the corrupt Pan-Galactic corporation is now holding his wife hostage, must figure out how to track the fugitive pilot Reed Cooper across the vastness of the Morphoss Expanse.
J.R. Winton was born in Maryland, at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station where his father, a Navy test pilot, was stationed. After his father retired from the military.
Freighter Pilot Reed Cooper, accused of murdering the captain and crew of the Infinity’s Queen, finds himself beset on all sides by hired killers and agents of the corrupt Pan-Galactic Corporation as he struggles to clear his name and battles for his very survival.
Along the perimeter of the Cyrillian Protectorate lies the vastness of the Frontier; a zone of the Terran Republic which draws the adventurers, the explorers, the desperate, and the lawless.